Friday, July 2, 2010

A Visit with Peaches

Lucy met Peaches the poodle on June 29. At some point Lucy realized she might be able to defend herself against "scary" Peaches, at which point Peaches continued to just stand there.

A Bigger Crate

We traded with Merry the breeder for a bigger crate. Dad refinished it and put it outside to dry. Lucy just walked over, laid down in the tray, and went to sleep. She now loves her crate.


Wow! I can walk around in this big dog dish! Lucy frantically runs in and out of her pool and "digs" the water.

Walk in the Lower Field

Lucy urges Mommy along after a walk in the lower field. Thanks to someone Dad works with, we've learned that when Lucy bites too hard, we screech like another puppy in the litter to train her to be more gentle.


So, Lucy has discovered that when you live here, you have to participate in all the "womanly" things. Here Lucy is patronizing Mommy by pretending to take an interest in Mommy's heather harvest.